Sunday, June 26, 2016

Does he?

The earth rotates from west to east,
Does the sun have any option but, east to west?
The mountains climb from ground upwards,
Does the river have any option but, downwards?

The paths are two to see, only one to walk,
The traveller finally chooses, does he?

She and He

Eyes of diamonds, skin on fire.
As flashes of lightning pump her heart;
Calm as the blowing breeze,
She stares into the unknown!

Burning into ashes, to reach for the infinite.
As roars of thunder is heard from his heart,
"Vision and love, when will they be shared by two?"
Shouts his eyes as they bow down!

His way...

Lovers and places - Why does he not bid them goodbye as gently as stolen kisses at crowded places?

       For the storm to calm down; For the night to stay;
       For the puzzle to solve; For the morning light to glance.

Why does he not bask in what came his way?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Infinite choices...

To every choice, there is always an alternative - not necessarily better or worse, but something that holds equal value.

- To Tea there is Coffee.
- To Facebook there is Twitter.
- To Uber there is Ola.
- To Pick-up there is Home Delivery.
- To Speak there is Silence.
- To Work there is Play.
- To Yes there is No.
- To Now there is Later.

None is better than the other. So which to choose and which to let go?

For every action, there is a reaction. For every choice, there is a consequence.
Knowing this, if we are willing to accept the result with joy -  as and when it comes, and not brood over it, I think every choice is the right choice!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

It’s Time!

For me it is synonymous with fun, friends, boring lectures, fests, awkward dates, crazy night outs, bad decisions, wild experiences, spontaneous living and the freedom to make and be responsible for everything.

Yes, those years...

The years when we were:

Neither teenagers nor adults!  
Neither novices nor veterans!

When the world was one’s oyster and settling for anything less than the heart desires was to sacrifice the gift!

For most, college life defines their perspective towards life. With graduation, some move on for the need of a better view on life. For others there is a spillover of the college lifestyle long after.

Then there comes a point when one realizes ones responsibilities towards family and society.

   The need to consciously give back!
   The need of being an active participant in shaping the world of tomorrow!
   The need for living life by design and not by default!

Such a phase and the decisions to be made then, is probably best described by Shakespeare in his work ‘Julius Caesar’ -

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyages of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”

I guess it is time to be more responsible towards parents and family who have been patient with my every tantrum, heed to the wishes of the lady who has waited long after her turn, thank the friends who have never left my side and become a better man!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The What?

The history of the world is just the story of a handful of great men and women.

I have often wondered what stardust these legends are made of! 
Why do they do what they do? What makes them tick?

What thoughts must be running through their minds every minute? What must be the logical process behind their everyday choices? What sacrifices are they making? What is it that differentiates them from the rest of the population who are living an average life?

Is it their allergy towards average? Is it their fear of being mediocre or is it just the dream of wealth and fame?

They say it is love. The love for the work they do!

Is love such a great force? Is it so powerful that the outcome changes the very course of history? Puts a dent in the universe!

Is just love the answer to what?

In the near future, I would like to look back at my life and see the answer staring point blank at me. Wouldn’t you?