Thursday, April 21, 2016

The What?

The history of the world is just the story of a handful of great men and women.

I have often wondered what stardust these legends are made of! 
Why do they do what they do? What makes them tick?

What thoughts must be running through their minds every minute? What must be the logical process behind their everyday choices? What sacrifices are they making? What is it that differentiates them from the rest of the population who are living an average life?

Is it their allergy towards average? Is it their fear of being mediocre or is it just the dream of wealth and fame?

They say it is love. The love for the work they do!

Is love such a great force? Is it so powerful that the outcome changes the very course of history? Puts a dent in the universe!

Is just love the answer to what?

In the near future, I would like to look back at my life and see the answer staring point blank at me. Wouldn’t you?

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